No Ends to Justify the Means
241,000 people killed including 71,000 undisputed civilians just counting direct casualties of war. 2.5 million registered refugees and 4 million internally displaced people who have lost everything (and even those numbers are out of date now). And so many more to come.
For what?
One bit of news from today that stuck with me was teachers saying goodbye to their female students today in Kabul after reports that women and girls are no longer able to study or work in other Taliban-run cities.
Predictably, the UK continues with its policy of pulling up the drawbridge. Graduates with places on masters courses in the UK starting next month being told by Britain that the offers will now not be honoured. And so many people who fear for their lives after working for British institutions/contractors or providing services to troops see their pleas for sanctuary falling on deaf ears.
And beyond the casualties, the refugees, and those losing their homes and livelihoods, there are the countless gifts the war has given to the propagandists of the Taliban, ISIS and other extremists, and the lines that can be drawn to the radicalisation and financing of terror that has come to haunt the world since.
For what?